UK Passport Fees Increases – Costs and Fees

UK Passport Fees
How Much it will Cost?

The Home Office requested a steep price incrementation to most passport applications earlier this year. The proposal was not reported widely, and thus not many customers know of the upcoming changes.

It is stated that passport applications will increase up to 27%. With such a huge leap in price, many will wonder what drives the increase, if they can avoid this, or how they can spend less money on the process.

The changes in price will increase on March 27th, 2018.

The current application fee for passport will be valid through March 26th. However, if you’ve sent your passport application and it does not arrive at the passport office before the 27th, then you will have to pay the new increased price.

The money collected through the fees will go towards the processing of those that hold British passports when they travel to and from the UK. This shifts the burden away from taxpayers, since millions of them don’t even hold valid British passports. The price increase is part of a larger plan, which dedicates £100 million on border security and infrastructure planned for next year.

The goal of this work is to strengthen and modernize the border of the UK. Around 250 million people cross the border each year, and that number is projected to keep rising. The money brought in from the rise in passport fees will be put towards strengthening the UK border and towards the costs given to doling out UK passports, as well as other forms of support given by British consulates abroad to nationals outside the country.

Aside from making sure that the passport process is funded by those that actually use it, the proposal also takes into account the varying costs to process online and mail applications. Online application systems are constantly being developed by Her Majesty’s Passport Office. Those that are 16+ can renew their passport using the online application.

Adult online: £3.00, 4%
Adult postal: £12.50, 17%
Child online: £3.00, 7%
Child postal:  £12.50, 27%

Urgent service costs are also rising:
Fast-Track (1 week turnaround): £39.00 more for a regular adult application
Premium (1 day turnaround): £49.00 more for a regular adult application

As you can see from above, there is a huge difference between postal applications and online applications. The higher charges for postal applications, according to the Home Office, is due to higher costs associated with processing mail applications versus online. This is due to constant improvements with services done online, and it is also faster and easier to apply on the spot.

Until now, postal applications have been the preferred way to apply for a passport, but many applications are rejected yearly due to minor errors on the application, such as spelling mistakes. One of the advantages to online applications is that one can check and edit errors before submitting their application. Our society is dictated by convenience, and online applications are convenient to those that are busy.

The advantages to online applications are many, and thus they will continue to grow at a quick pace. Being able to take your application with you and filling it out as you have time without actually carrying all the paperwork and easier edits and changes make this a way more convenient system. Not only is convenience such a big draw, but now, with the higher prices in post applications, most families would opt to choose the cheaper option.

Applying Online

Keep your costs low
Apply Online
Most customers seek for ways to save money on travel or holiday plans, but most of the time, they seek to save on hotels or flights. However, with these price changes, there is another clear and simple way a traveller can save money before even deciding on their holiday destination.

Send your application early

We normally encourage customers to submit their passport applications early, but with the price increases, that’s another reason to do so. You should submit your application so that it arrives at Her Majesty’s Passport Office before March 27, 2018, which is the day the prices will rise.

If you are sending your application by mail and want it to arrive before March 27th, please be conscious of the time your application will be in transit. If you are submitting your application online, you have until the end of the day of the 26th to send and pay for the application.

Submit your application online

As of right now, online and post applications have the same cost. But as mentioned previously, The Home Office is increasing the price to £12.50 for postal applications and £3.00 for online applications. Thus, you can save £10.00 by applying online.

The cheaper cost for online applications is due to the fact that the Home Office wants to promote online services. Not only are these cost-effective, but they will also save you time. Online applications can be filled while you are on the go, and you don’t have to wait long lines at the postal office.

Monthly payments
Most customers do not know that their passport application can be paid in monthly increments. This payment method is fast and effortless, and you don’t need a credit check. You only need an ID check.

This option is beneficial to those that want to pay in 3 monthly instalments instead of up-front. This is done through ClearPay, which provides no-interest and flexible payment methods.

This option is also beneficial to those that need to apply for more than one passport, such as groups or families. Families applying for child passports for the first time or that are renewing their passports can pay around £300-£500 on top of travel-associated costs. Due to this, research shows that customers prefer monthly payments when spending larger amounts.

Passport applications and processes can be complicated, and which changes in price, we can understand why there might be some uncertainty about the process and the costs involved. If you need additional clarification or have questions, or if you would like to start your application, call now:

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