China Visa Application Form Changes

Due to changes at the Chinese embassy, there is a new China visa application form. The previous forms could be filled out by hand and written by ink are now required to be filled in online and typed. This new China visa application form can be found on our website in a pdf format where you are to enter your necessary China visa information into the highlighted fields.

It is believed that these changes have been implemented because of the upcoming Olympics next month and also the outsourcing of the China visa processes to an external company.

As of the 26th June this year, the China embassy has outsourced its visa processing to the China visa application centre (CVASC). The CVASC is wholly responsible for China visa applications to mainland China for UK citizens and those that are residing in the UK but with permits allowing them to stay work. The china visa application centre is also responsible for the collection of fees for persons applying for a china visa.

This move is coincidentally a mirror move as with the Indian embassy that have outsourced their visa processes to the visa facilitation centres. This move was brought into places for various apparent reasons including:

  1. To increase the efficiency of the processes
  2. To reduce the number of people visiting the Indian embassy at Aldywch
  3. To put the India visa application process online and computerise it

The India and China embassies have rapidly introduced these changes based on increasing tourism and business developments between the UK and India and China. Indian tourism is growing at 8% a year, and Chinese tourism is growing at 10% a year up until 2016.