India Visa: A Ticket to Countless Incredible Street Shows

If you have an Indian visa and happened to spend your vacation in this lovely part of the globe, a walk through the noisy and bustling streets of India will give you glimpse of the rich culture of the country.

Majority of India visa holders want a new experience, something that is out of the ordinary travel plans. The best way to enjoy an out of the country vacation is to immerse on the culture of the place, its people, and its tradition. It may sound overwhelming but it is the best ways of escaping from the conventions of daily life. India is a splendid place endowed with rich history, culture and heritage. It does not only offer the common tourist spots like museums, parks, malls, high-end resorts and entertainment centers, or scenic views. The country boasts of its people who make the country vibrant and alive.

Your Indian visa will give you a chance to experience the complex and diverse heritage that is uniquely Indian. It reflects heavily the history, values, habits, ideology and traditions of the country. Probably one of the best features you can get out of an India visa is a diverse lineup of varied street performances.

You need not enter pubs, theaters, cultural centers, karaoke bars or nightclubs just to see performers. The busy streets of major cities in India are littered with age-old, self trained performers. This is a rare opportunity given for people who hold an Indian visa. Quite exciting enough, they will great you immediately right when you boarded off your plane.

Street performances only exemplify the Indian culture that shares happiness to the whole community. Just like all other Indian celebrations and festivals, street performances are a way of bringing life to the community. Foreigners visiting the country through an India visa never fail to be fascinated by the marvelous acts performed by Indian street performers.

Basically there are three types of performances: cultural music, various stunts, and animal shows. Of these three types of performances, animal shows particularly snake charming has caught much fascination from many Indian visa holders. You can also find monkeys, dogs, birds, cows, and even elephants doing incredible acts.

Musical performances are another popular street show that attracts many visitors with India visa. It is usually a family trade that has its own complicated techniques and skills which is handed down from one generation to another. The Jain Temple is a common place where you can find these native performers. These performers most commonly use native musical instruments made of indigenous materials.

There are also various street performers who practice back-breaking, hair raising stunts that test their body’s capacity. Indian visa holders will have a chance to see how monks practice amazing rituals and perform death defying stunts. Just be sure you are not fainthearted or else you’ll find yourself on the ground. These street performers present acts right in front of their spectators, you can actually see for real what they do with their bodies. They are not magicians. They simply defy the laws of life.

These are the best performances one can find in India. Watching these performers’ acts is simply the perfect way to complete that incredible India experience.